Discover how we can help you develop your ideas
Feasibility Assessments
Have a concept that you would like to invest in? We examine your preliminary concept to determine its feasibility from the technical, cost, and programmatic perspectives. Our experts assess the compatibility of your concept with existing technologies and platform constraints to identify risks and "tall tent poles". Products include feasibility report, recommendation on design to ensure feasibility, and insights into constraints, drivers, and trades.
Point Design
There is nothing more exciting than to see your concept come to life for the first time! Our system engineers and subsystem experts can develop a complete preliminary system design, including resource allocations and concept of operations. Products include detailed feasibility analysis, requirements traceability, and bill of materials.
Trade Space Exploration
It is easy to get overwhelmed when exploring too many options, searching for the optimal design. Our team of experts can provide you with an objective assessment of your architectural trade space and help you down-select one or two concepts prior to engaging in a Point Design study. Products include trade representations, major design drivers, sensitivities, and recommendations for most promising concepts for further develop.
Project Management
Need a hand with technical management of your project? Our engineers and project managers are with you from the concept stage, to implementation, and operations. We work with your team to develop your product requirements as well as schedule and budgetary constraints to help make your project a success. Other products include technical presentations, pitch deck, detailed project schedule, budget allocation, and risk analysis.